Tuesday, May 19, 2009

dog's death ... literally !

It happened when I was going home with a heavy heart - BITS life having ended. We had stopped at a shitty way-side dhaba for dinner and I was puffing one. My eyes went to a skinny mutt sleeping in a corner. The mutt was in a pitiable state, suffering from whatever skin disease that affects dogs. It was stick thin too and that didn't add to its appearance. Then, a horn blared and bus lights lit up the dog's miserable existence. It was quite obvious that the dog was weak and was reluctant to move out. But what choice did it have? That's when this thing got me thinking ... can any being other than human, wilfully take its own life? I mean, the mutt itself must have gotten pretty fed up of its lowly life. Juxtapose this situation with that of a human,one who's down in the dumps. The human is faced with two options :

1) Fade away : He can take the easier option and just end his own life. Not many will miss him, and since the state of afterlife is not known, he can actually look forward to "existence" after death. Maybe, he'll feel, he has a clean slate to start on, in the afterlife.

2) Phoenix approach : He can fight back,rise from the ashes like a proverbial "phoenix" and get back to leading a respectable life blah blah. Don't know how many people actually manage to do this, but going by the number of suiciding students, businessmen, farmers etc I'm guessing ... not many.


It cannot reason out the two options. It cannot be smart enough to do so. It won't be aware of how easy it is to add one more to the number of road-kills. Nor can it drown itself (dogs can swim naturally) by tying weights to its legs or tail or whatever. And I'm positive that it can't be smart enough to go searching for rat poison, collect it and then in a moment of madness, consume it all just to die of an overdose. Nor can it be a "phoenix" in its own world. I mean, what is a dog doing rising from its ashes??! The idea of a poor, pitiable mutt resurrecting itself is laughable.

So what can the dog do?? The answer is, in my opinion, nothing. It will have to continue its sorry life till God is merciful enough to release it of the pain.

Now, I'm not gonna give some" gyaan" like "Moral of the story is... human's do have a choice and that's where God was so generous with us". This post was meant to get you thinking, maybe chuckling, maybe wondering what is the sense of it all? So, I will let you ponder about what I've just posted, about what is wrong with this post,about whether suicide is a timid way after all? etc etc.As for me, I will stub out the cig and board my bus, and get some sleep - not caring two cents about the pitiable life-forms around me.


maxxx said...

m the dod fu

dnyanesh / dyno said...

That's just London Pilsner talking :-/

Full Of Life said...

Hmm...but i always believe we are the most cruel beings in comparison. Someday, surely, God will take a big big thing as a punishment from us.
Animals are so much cleaner, purer.

mandar said...

@ dyno : Amazing post, very ponderable

@ Nita : If we are the most cruel being how is it that we get the most number of ways to end our lives painlessly? (cyanide ftw) :D

Raja said...

more than the post, i wonder how you came up with the labels :P

Neeraj said...

Ha! Nice. Brilliantly pointless post!

The complex A leads to B, B leads to C thinking reminded me of KK. :D

Oink said...

I mean, the mutt itself must have gotten pretty fed up of its lowly life.this is where i feel god has been less cruel with them dags : they dont harbour such feelings :|
To the, everything is an opportunity, a step towards the achievement of their goal : a full stomach.
we humans, on the othe hand, manage to see the pessimistic side of things :-/

so who's the lucky one ?

Oink said...
